Character Map of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

Sarah brainstormed the following character map for her biography book report on Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis this evening with her mother. I put her concept map into Webspiration tonight and printed it for her to turn in Monday in class. The embeddable version of this Webspiration map uses the “iFrame” tag. Here is a Skitch screenshot posted to Flickr.

Webspiration - [Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis]

Nice work Sarah! We may record a VoiceThread using this character map as an outline tomorrow morning.

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39 Clues

I just finest the book the 39 Clues, The Maze of Bones. There are ten books in this whole series and the cool thing is that all of them are written by all different authors so you get a feel for a different witting styles. The first book is written by Rick Riordan who wrote the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. If you have read the Artemis Fool books, another good series, it is a lot like that. I t is about two kids who go on this big clue hunt to become the most powerful person in the world. If you read the first two pages you will end up reading the rest of the book and the whole series.

Arrow of Light Ceremony

Tonight Alexander bridged up from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts, and received the highest award in Cub Scouting: The Arrow of Light.

I used the free iTalk application on my iPhone to record most of the ceremony, and later used Audacity to amplify the recording so it is much louder. This is the recorded, edited ceremony, which is just over 29 minutes long.

More information about the process of using the iTalk application and the free iTalk iSync program is available.

I also used my iPhone to snap photos during the ceremony.

We are so proud of you and your accomplishments, Alexander!

Alexander’s Indian name, which Shelly and I gave him together, is “Purple Shirt.” He is always wearing purple KSU shirts and sweatshirts, so this is a very appropriate name for him. Alexander also received his God and Family award tonight, which he has worked hard to complete.

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Webkinz (cheats)

If you are a Webkinz owner you would say,”I don’t want cheats they might take away my Webkinz!” But Wait! There are other ways where they don’t take away your Webkinz. In gem hunt where are the gems? Is there a rare item on right now? How do you make all the Webkinz recipes? How do you get a Webkinz Trophy?

I have all these links and more and now you can too:

On the Public Enemies set
Creative Commons License photo credit: bourgeoisbee


Lately, I have been listening to Brisinger on my iPod. When my mom or dad ask what I am listening to they always laugh when I tell them I am listening to a book. I think I can go thought it faster listening to it than reading it. I think listening to a book rather than to listen to music. I wonder what book I am going to listen to next?

A nightly spelling bee for Dad

I’m glad Alexander is in the midst of a writing assignment for school, but I honestly feel like I’m having to compete in a nightly spelling bee with all the words I’m being asked to spell now in the evenings.

spelling test
Creative Commons License photo credit: elginwx

It has been abundantly clear to me for several years that Alexander has similar spelling abilities to his mother: Spelling is very challenging for him. I think this stems from him not being as visually oriented in his natural learning style. I am a pretty decent speller, and I think that has a lot to do with my ability to visualize words. Even when he is asking me to spell words for his writing assignment, I have to visualize them in my mind to spell them aloud. I MUCH prefer to write down a word than to spell it out loud. Really, spelling bees are such a DUMB idea, I wish they were not so common in schools. The ability to verbally spell a word upon command is not an important “life skill.” Of course it is important to write well with correct spelling, but being able to do that is very different from being able to succeed at oral spelling exercises.

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Rachel’s writing and drawing skills developing

It is amazing to see how fast our 5 year old is growing up. Last night before Rachel and I watched the movie “WALLE” together, she drew the following picture on our living room whiteboard. If you click on this image and view it on Flickr, you can read the annotation notes I added with Shelly’s help. These explain what the different parts of the drawing are, according to Rachel. She is showing a great deal of attention to detail here, and also starting to try drawing in three dimensions instead of just two.

Daddy and Rachel - Watching Walle

Rachel REALLY enjoys using our family iTouch and my iPhone whenever she can, and this morning spent some time watching part of the first Harry Potter movie in the living room.

Rachel watching Harry Potter on our family iPod Touch

During the morning, Rachel (who is 5 but has not started kindergarten yet since her birthday is after September 1st) wrote the following note to her mother:

Letter to mom from Rachel - asking to not interrupt her as she watches a movie on our iPod Touch

In case you can’t read all the words, here is the text:

Dear Mom:

Do not mess with my movie.

Love, Rachel

We can see Rachel is not yet getting the idea that text is written and read from left to right and top to bottom, but this is her best effort writing to date I’ve seen. This is great work developmentally for her age, I think.

Even more amazing than seeing her attention to detail in drawing and writing, however, is hearing her observations and questions. During WALLE, for instance, she asked me if our earth ever WAS really “like that.” (All full of trash.) We had a discussion about pollution and our responsibility to be good stewards of the earth, keeping things clean and working to pick up trash.

She had lots of other good questions during the movie which I don’t remember now. I love the movie WALLE. Like all other Pixar movies, it has important themes which are big but also simple, straightforward messages that are easy for anyone to understand. The love story here, and the journey WALLE and EVE take to eventually hold hands, is very touching. It was special to share this movie again with Rachel! How amazing we can watch a movie like this, which we own on DVD, anytime we want. That was not the case when I was growing up, before the advent of the VCR. My kids probably can’t relate to the idea that there was a time when we couldn’t listen to a song or see a movie with just a few clicks on a screen.

090105 Ikebukuro Sunshine City
Creative Commons License photo credit: ナギ (nagi)

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I was thinking this week of different tongue-twisters and I would like to share some with you.


1.Five friendly friends fight for fun, Five friendly friends fight for fun, Five friendly friends fight for fun

2.Sarah sings silly songs softly, Sarah sings silly songs softly, Sarah sings silly songs softly


I am a star wars fan.

I love star wars so I found this very interesting and you will probably to. I know about wikipedia but this is different. Wikipedia does not have a lot about star wars so that is why (for all the star wars lovers) they made Wookieepedia.  Wookieepedia is almost the same in every except wookieepedia is all star wars information. I hope you will enjoy this website.

I hope you are star wars fan to.

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