The Big Bad Wolf appears twice on Twice Upon a Time! #pano
Mystery of the Disappearing Hungry Catepillar
Rachel’s VBS sign for Shelly’s office
Sarah’s Birthday List
Rachel learns to draw new things on Art Snacks
Today Rachel used a video by John Steven Gurney on the Art Snacks learning community to draw a reversible face. This is the “man version:”
Turned upside down, this is the “baby version!”
Rachel recorded an explanation of how she used Art Snacks to learn how to draw this, using iPadio on my iPhone.
Here’s the 2.5 minute video from John in which he shows how to make this drawing!
Find more videos like this on Art Snacks
Thanks to Kevin Honeycutt and many others who continue to make Art Snacks a vibrant community filled with creative artists sharing their work and ideas!
Technorati Tags:
art, creative, draw, howto, learning, tutorial
Origami on YouTube
I have for some reason become interested in origami again. I had not done it in a long time but I suddenly searching for new origami figures to make. The first video I found was on how to make a phoenix. The phoenix is very hard and very fast. It took me three try’s and three hours to make but is good looking. The first part is so hard he made a second video on how to make the bace. The next video I saw was on how to make a dragon. It is a lot slower and he talks about what he is doing an is in five, three minute parts. I recommend doing the dragon first and if you get it to try the phoenix.
Note: that the origami figures I make are kind of hard and you need to at least be able to make crane.
Mittens the Cat on TuxPaint
This is a picture of Rachel’s stuffed animal cat, “Mittens,” which she drew on TuxPaint.
Technorati Tags:
draw, paint, cat, kitten, computer, tuxpaint
Rachel explains how the eye works
Sent from my iPhone
Sarah’s Bread and Humidity Experiment
Today was the science fair at our local elementary school, and Sarah shared what she learned about humidity and the science of baking bread. I brought my iPhone and interviewed her (using iPadio) at her exhibit in the cafeteria, and took several photos as well.
It took about three minutes to upload this almost-four minute audio podcast to iPadio with my iPhone over 3G from the school cafeteria.
It’s great to have opportunities to talk about what the students have learned as a result of DOING science. I really enjoyed the opportunity to not only visit with Sarah but also several of her classmates about their projects and learning.
(Cross-posted to Wesley’s Posterous)
Technorati Tags:
school, science, experiment, bread, yeast, humidity, rise, rising
Alexander’s Award Ceremony at Classen SAS today
Alexander received four awards today at Classen SAS in the 6th and 7th grade awards assembly. We were sitting on the second row and I was able to video him receiving his certificates from Mr. Chaffin. He received awards for Beginning Band, Honors Science, Debate, and Social Studies.
Alexander also received a certificate for “Most Promsing Debater!” Congrats Alexander!
Technorati Tags:
okcps, classen, award, awards, debate, debater
Sarah’s iPad Fingerpainting with Brushes
This morning during our carpool into Oklahoma City, Sarah (age 9) drew the following “fingerpaint” drawings using the program Brushes on my iPad. I uploaded these directly from the iPad to Flickr using PixelPipe.
One Rice Thousand Gold: A Remixed Story by Rachel
This is a story Rachel (age 6) typed tonight all by herself on our family netbook. We printed it on our home printer, and then she read it aloud. I recorded her oral reading using the iPadio application on my iPhone, which created this embeddable audio version. Rachel based her story on the Chinese fable, “One Rice Thousand Gold.”
one rise tawsin gold by rachel
one day a little gill wuz waking past the woter fool
tin sheye sol a pot of gold
sheye ran to it but a old womin said one rise tawsin gold
so sheye gave hr a rise and sheye gave hr tawsins of gold
look look look wut i fawn
yes mom yes i did rimier wut i said
non of that yes mom
so i chradide the gold for food yum yum sheye said
wun sheye was waking dawn the shtrete a min said i will give
you food if you gave me some gold
ok so i gave him some gold
i stopt for a momit and said tis is not rite i spinet my manee oh no
i made a bad chose oh wut am i going to do?
i no i will do one rise tawsin gold so i wint war i sol hr and sheye wuz gon
sheye dide
oh no i said hr stuff is still heir i can gist git it so i did it
Trampoline Jumping Fun
Yesterday members of our family became owners of a new trampoline, and much of my afternoon / evening was spent putting it together. Let’s hear it for opportunities to be OUTSIDE and get lots of EXERCISE jumping and playing!
Video recorded with my iPhone 3GS and uploaded to Flickr via PixelPipe.
Technorati Tags:
play, trampoline, jump, jumping, fun, outside
Remembering “Go Green, Go Electric” from Earth Day 2009
Last year on Earth Day for the Film on the Fly digital storytelling contest, my kids and I created the three minute and fifty second video, “Go Green, Go Electric!” My son (who was 11 at the time) did some the editing for this video using iMovie, and I did the rest. In following the rules for “Film on the Fly,” we shot all the video for this movie using a cell phone. Since we wanted different people in different scenes (and my son couldn’t legally drive the car) we alternated being the videographer and being actors in the movie.
We actually won first place in the contest. This Flashlight comparison and was a lot of fun to create together, and certainly got us thinking more about the viability of electric car technology. When you want to cut your electricity bills, you should study Energyadviceline dobusiness electricty prices comparison so that you are aware of the electricity service charges of different companies on your area.
If you’re considering purchasing a Ram truck then be sure to schedule a test drive with a local Ram dealer near you today. Thanks to Miles Electric Vehicles of Tulsa, Oklahoma for helping us with this video!
Do you have a favorite student-created video focused on Earth Day and “going green?” If so, please share the link!
Technorati Tags:
cell, earth, mobile, phone, video, day, electric, car, cars, contest, cellphone