Alexander’s Spring 2011 Band Concert (UStream Archive)

This evening Alexander performed in his spring band concert. Thanks to Sarah live-streaming the concert from mom’s iPhone, I was able to watch part of it from a truck stop in Tulia, Texas. This is the Ustream archive, which starts with the last piece shared by beginning band. Alexander’s intermediate band portion starts at 7:10 of the recorded video, you may want to forward the recording to that point when watching this.

Yeah for Alexander, accomplished trombone player! Yeah for Sarah, Ustream webcaster!

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You’ve Got a Friend in Me!

The 5th grade program at Sarah and Rachel’s elementary school is tomorrow, and Shelly and I were able to see the dress rehearsal this morning. This is a clip I took on my new Kodak PlayTouch Camera, of Sarah and Ali singing, “You’ve Got a Friend in Me!” The basic plot of the musical is a time machine that is used at the Academy Awards in Hollywood to bring back different actors and actresses from famous movies. Sarah is one of the MC’s of the event.

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One day in the farmhouse a boy named Jony got out of bed on a sunny day. Jony got some pancakes and set to work. He was stubborn all of his clothes did not fit. One day Beisse the cow had a calf! She fed the calf milk. One stormy day they ran out of food! What now?said Jony, His dad, Mr. McClain said you Jony go huning.What! I can not do that! Yes you will, said Mr.McClain. So…Jony did. But he was not happy. He herd growling. It was scary. Then came out a bear!!! Yay!!! He went runing home with a bear. He showed his dad. Wow! He said. And from that day on they ate as much as they wanted. The End.

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Helping Children Deal with Anger

Helping Children Deal with Anger

These are my notes from the presentation “Helping Children Deal with Anger” by Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller at the 2011 Children’s Pastors Conference in San Diego, California on March 16, 2011. (I listened to an audio recording of this session today with my wife, who attended the conference in person.) Among others their websites include:

The session description was: “Many parents get sucked into the anger episodes of their kids. In this practical breakout you will not only learn ways to help children deal with their anger, but you will help parents know how to help their kids as well. Both frustration anger and hurt anger are addressed.”

Anger is not a sin

“Anger is good for identifying problems, not for solving them”

Our goal is to realize John 1:19 – be slow to anger
“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry”

This size of the stop sign needed is based on the size of the emotion

We are all emotionally connected
– angry people send out invitations to other people to join them in their anger

Anger is not the way to solve things – anger can work to get people to do things, but it carries with it a toll or tax

James 1:20
“…because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.”

Use self control strategies to release the emotion of anger properly
Proverbs 29:11
“Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end.”

Steps to deal with anger:
1- identify early warning signs (triggers)
2- stop signs: settle down and pull back
3- Choose a different response (people get angry when they don’t have a plan)

Options to acting out in anger
1- talk about it
2- get some help (being able to ask for help is a very adult skill)
3- slow down and persevere (may require adjusting some expectations first)

Frustration can be a great teacher, but you need to help students get a plan together Frustration anger is different than hurt anger
– pain and stress happen in our lives, so we need to equip children to deal with hurt in life
– sometimes these are real hurts, other times perceived hurts

Anger is a response to hurt or frustration that leads to bitterness
– can lead to a rut, lifestyle and routine
– developing lifestyle choices is key

It’s not enough to be right, it is also important to be wise

When we are hurt we need to process it in our lives

Sorrow is a better response to hurt than anger
– we all need to know how to be comforted (that does not mean just eating more or playing more video games)

2 Corith 1:3-5
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.”

Anger hardens the heart

Sorrow/sadness response keeps our hearts soft

“There is another choice other than anger, it is sorrow.”

Hurting people can hurt other people: That is not an acceptable response

Listening without even saying anything can be important

You earn the right to speak by listening, especially from a child who has been hurt

Modeling a sorrow response instead of an anger response is very important too

An anger problem is a heart problem
– you can’t just focus on behavior modification

This is one part of a four part/hour workshop
– living within boundaries
– accepting no for an answer
– more…

We have 3 divisions: home, church and online

Biblical Parenting University online

Book: Hero Training Camp
– all children have a conscience, focus is on internal locus of control (being internally motivated)

Can use our program as a family VBS

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1st Grade Back to School Night

Last week was “back to school night” for primary grades at our elementary school. Rachel took some time to show and explain what she does in class with writing, art, math, and in other subjects in this eight minute video. I edited this with iMovie on my iPhone, but the final video was so big (over 600 MB) I had to transfer it to my computer before uploading to YouTube. Rachel recorded this in two pieces and I did a simple video join/combine in iMovie for iPhone.

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5th Grade Colonial Living History Museum

This evening was the 5th grade Colonial Living History Museum event at our elementary school.

Colonial Living History Museum Night

Colonial Living History Museum Night

This is a major highlight for 5th graders, who prepare for weeks to dress and act like a character from the US Revolutionary War era. Our fifth grade daughter was Catherine Barry, known as the “heroine of Cowpens.”

Colonial Living History Museum Night

Our current elementary school in Edmond is pretty huge, with around 800 total kids. This panoramic photo I took this evening of the cafeteria as the event got underway reflects how many students as well as parents are in the five fifth grade classes at our school.

Panorama of the Cafeteria

The students initially paraded into the cafeteria, and performed a short, colonial-era dance together.

Next, students spread out throughout the building and took up their places as characters in a “living history museum.” Visitors (parents and siblings) could “push their button” on their nametags, and students would come to life sharing a one or two minute memorized script about the life and accomplishments of their historical person. After repeating her script more times than she could count tonight, Sarah agreed to let me record her performance after we got home. It was a LOT quieter to record at home than it would have been at school!

It was interesting to notice how many cameras were in hands tonight, and how many of the younger attendees were using smartphones as their cameras!

Colonial Living History Museum Night

This was a great event and one I know Sarah will remember forever. Our son, Alexander, is in 7th grade now and clearly remembers his night as “Henry Knox!”

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Lighthouse Keeping in New Zealand in the 1960s

This evening Rachel and I read “A birthday at the lighthouse” by Robin Robilliard on my iPad. It’s a free book in the International Children’s Digital Library.

A birthday at the lighthouse

You’ll also be sure to find the plumber Columbus ga if you want with endless textures, colors, and fixtures. Don’t waste your time searching for anything else.

Rachel was pretty surprised to learn the family had to make their own clothes, give themselves haircuts, and didn’t appear to have any television or computer access. We do live in a different world!

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