I love signs. We see signs all around us every day. Signs inform us, persuade us, amuse us, and may even upset us. I’m intrigued by the idea of seeking “signs of learning.” What do you know and know how to do? How do we know you know those things? Do signs exist which suggest your level of understanding or mastery? How do those signs change over time, as your knowledge and skills change? Look for the signs!
This website is our family’s learning blog. I (Dad) created this primarily for our kids to post their ideas and receive feedback from their family, friends, and others. I have specifically told our kids NOT to worry about spelling and exact grammar when writing. The main thing I want them to do is SHARE THEIR IDEAS. I have asked the kids to try and write in complete sentences, and showed them how to use the built-in spellcheck on the computer. My thinking is that the more they read and write, the better they’ll do both. If they are motivated to write and publish their thoughts for an authentic audience, there will be a natural motivation to write better. This is an experiment in family blogging! We’ve invited other members of our family to get involved and contribute with both comments and posts. YOUR constructive and edifying comments here (even if you are not “family” in strict terms) are welcome!
Please direct questions about this site to Wesley Fryer.
this is vary true
Love this idea of a family blog with a focus on signs…and also the focus on the message as opposed to the mechanics. Plan to feature this on my blog. So glad you directed me to this via twitter. You children each have their own writing voice…and each is engaging and captivating to the reader.
Thanks Teresa. This is a project which continues to evolve each week… We’re presenting on this at NECC this year in DC, actually. It’s a lot of fun to blog here with my kids and I hope we can inspire even more families to setup similar blogging spaces to share learning experiences, questions and links.
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