Alexander’s First Debate
Alex has his first debate tournament next weekend in Moore. He hasn’t had a real practice round in class yet, but hopes to do one this week. Tonight he debated his AFF case and I was NEG. The resolution is: RESOLVED – The abuse of illegal drugs ought to be treated as a matter of public health, not criminal justice. If you want to learn about what that means, check out for more info.
Alex did really well, I hope he is well prepared for this weekend’s tournament. Last year when he took intro to debate I was dismayed he never actually got to debate in class or at a tournament, they just learned how to debate by watching and talking about it. They also wrote cases.
I hope Alexander has a good experience in debate. He has done really well in class. I’ll be eager to hear how things go this weekend at the tourney. I’ll be judging there for Classen.
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